Pros and cons of mlm
Are you a stay at home mom of special needs kids? I’d imagine that’s one of the reasons you’re here. As a work at home and homeschooling mom, I was on a quest once to find a business that could grow with my time and work around my family. In that quest, looked into several network marketing options. And because of that, I was able to come up with quite a few pros and cons of network marketing.
When you begin working for a company like Pampered Chef, you become the downline of another consultant. When you sell products, your “upline” makes a small amount of money off your sale, all without lifting a finger. It’s a little like passive income. Of course, there might be some work finding people to be in the downline, but once that’s done all that’s left is the general challenge of managing people and encouraging them to do well in their jobs so the upline does well in theirs.
When you become someone’s downline, you can focus on your own business and building a client base. You might forget all about building your own downline, but most people who work for MLM-based companies will eventually decide to work on building their own downline so they can make additional income.
Once you become an upline, you make money off each sale that your downline makes, and your upline makes money off your sales as well as the sales of your downline. It might sound complicated at first, but when you consider the general premise as explained here and then combine that with the concept of “multi-level marketing”, it becomes a bit clearer.
There are many advantages to working in a MLM structure. First and foremost, there’s support. Starting a business at home can be scary for a mom, or anyone, and knowing that there’s a built-in support network can be reassuring.
You will know going in that you have others you can call with questions, meetings you can attend that give you selling techniques and other support processes.
In addition, depending on the MLM you sign up with, you might be given selling materials, information about seminars you can attend, and other things that will help you build your business.
In addition to all of that, if the product you are selling has already established itself as a good product that has a good base of customers, you might likely already have a built-in customer base that comes to you rather than you trying to court them.
As part of your starter kit – which many companies require that you purchase – you will also likely have a starter set of sales and order forms.
When you begin working for a company like Pampered Chef, you become the downline of another consultant. When you sell products, your “upline” makes a small amount of money off your sale, all without lifting a finger. It’s a little like passive income. Of course, there might be some work finding people to be in the downline, but once that’s done all that’s left is the general challenge of managing people and encouraging them to do well in their jobs so the upline does well in theirs.
When you become someone’s downline, you can focus on your own business and building a client base. You might forget all about building your own downline, but most people who work for MLM-based companies will eventually decide to work on building their own downline so they can make additional income.
Once you become an upline, you make money off each sale that your downline makes, and your upline makes money off your sales as well as the sales of your downline. It might sound complicated at first, but when you consider the general premise as explained here and then combine that with the concept of “multi-level marketing”, it becomes a bit clearer.
There are many advantages to working in a MLM structure. First and foremost, there’s support. Starting a business at home can be scary for a mom, or anyone, and knowing that there’s a built-in support network can be reassuring.
You will know going in that you have others you can call with questions, meetings you can attend that give you selling techniques and other support processes.
In addition, depending on the MLM you sign up with, you might be given selling materials, information about seminars you can attend, and other things that will help you build your business.
In addition to all of that, if the product you are selling has already established itself as a good product that has a good base of customers, you might likely already have a built-in customer base that comes to you rather than you trying to court them.
As part of your starter kit – which many companies require that you purchase – you will also likely have a starter set of sales and order forms.
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